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Burns Tours

Tours of Hakone, Odawara and Izu

Starting 2025

Tour of Hakone

*All tours conducted in English!

For English, see below!

(1day, 2 day or 3 day tours, your choice!) 



Day 1:

  • 午前: 東京を出発し、電車またはバスで箱根へ移動します。
  • 午前中: 箱根に到着し、宿泊施設にチェックインします。
  • 午後: 箱根彫刻の森美術館を訪れ、自然の中で現代彫刻や芸術を楽しんでください。
  • 夕方: 旅館で温泉に浸かり、伝統的な懐石料理を楽しみます。

Day 2:

  • 午前: 芦ノ湖でクルーズに乗り、晴れた日には富士山の素晴らしい景色を楽しんでください。
  • 午前中: 芦ノ湖にある鳥居で知られる箱根神社を訪れます。
  • 午後: 箱根ロープウェイに乗って、火山地形や大涌谷のパノラマの景色を楽しんでください。
  • 夕方: 五百羅漢や轟拉、または轟拉にあるお店を訪れてください。

Day 3:

  • 午前: 箱根登山電車を体験し、息をのむような景色を楽しんでください。
  • 午前中: 江戸時代の宿場町としての歴史について学ぶ箱根関所資料館を探索します。
  • 午後: ポーラ美術館で西洋美術や日本美術のコレクションを、静かな森の中で鑑賞してください。
  • 夕方: 東京または次の目的地に向けて箱根を出発する前に最後の温泉に浸かってください。

You can take a 3 day tour with Kevin or choose a single day tour. 

Day 1:

  • Morning: Depart from Tokyo and travel to Hakone via train or bus.
  • Mid-morning: Arrive in Hakone and check into your accommodation.
  • Afternoon: Visit Hakone Open-Air Museum to admire contemporary sculptures and art amidst nature.
  • Evening: Relax in an onsen (hot spring) bath and enjoy a traditional kaiseki dinner at your ryokan (traditional Japanese inn).

Day 2:

  • Morning: Take a cruise on Lake Ashi and enjoy the stunning views of Mt. Fuji on a clear day.
  • Mid-morning: Visit Hakone Shrine, known for its picturesque torii gate on the lake.
  • Afternoon: Ride the Hakone Ropeway for panoramic views of the volcanic landscape and Owakudani Valley.
  • Evening: Explore Gora Park or stroll along the streets of Gora, known for its quaint atmosphere and charming shops.

Day 3:

  • Morning: Experience the Hakone Tozan Railway, a scenic mountain train ride with breathtaking views.
  • Mid-morning: Explore the Hakone Checkpoint Museum to learn about the area’s history as a post town during the Edo period.
  • Afternoon: Visit the Pola Museum of Art to admire its collection of Western and Japanese art in a serene forest setting.
  • Evening: Enjoy a final soak in the onsen before departing Hakone for Tokyo or your next destination.

Tour of Odawara & Minamiashigara

Half-Day Tour 



Meet at Odawara Station, on the main side, outside. (Not the Shinkansen side). If you see a statue of a samurai on horseback, you are on the wrong side. 

  1. Odawara Castle: Begin your day by exploring Odawara Castle. Learn about its rich history and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the castle keep.
  2. Odawara Fish Market: After visiting the castle, head to the Odawara Fish Market to experience the bustling atmosphere and sample some fresh seafood for breakfast.


  1. Travel to Minamiashigara: Take a train or bus to Minamiashigara, enjoying the scenic journey through the countryside.

Late Morning:

  1. Daiyuzan Temple: Arrive at Daiyuzan Temple and immerse yourself in its serene atmosphere. Explore the temple grounds, admire the intricate architecture, and take a peaceful stroll through the surrounding forest.


  1. Local Restaurant: Enjoy a traditional Japanese lunch at a local restaurant near Daiyuzan Temple. Savor some regional dishes while taking in the tranquil surroundings.

After Lunch: 

  1. Only Yu Hot Spring Soak in a natural and very romantic hot springs nestled in the forest. Perhaps the best hot springs in the area. 
  2. Tour Ends

Tour of Izu

For English, see below.

(All tours conducted in English)


日を始めるには、静禅寺を訪れてみてください。静かな雰囲気と美しい庭園で知られています。 日本最古の温泉リゾートの一つである修善寺温泉を探索してください。治癒効果のある温泉でリラックスしてリフレッシュしてください。 修善寺の地元のレストランで伝統的な日本の朝食をお楽しみください。 昼:

  1. 春に訪れている場合は、早咲きの桜を見に河津町に向かってください。タイミングが合えば、河津さくら祭りは必見です。

河津の地元のレストランで昼食を取ってください。新鮮な海産物や伊豆牛などの地域の特産品を試してみてください。 午後:

  1. 荒々しい断崖、透明度の高い水、パノラマの景色で知られる城ヶ崎海岸を訪れてください。
  2. Morning:
  3. Start your day with a visit to Shuzenji Temple, known for its serene atmosphere and beautiful gardens. Explore Shuzenji Onsen, one of the oldest hot spring resorts in Japan. Relax and rejuvenate in the therapeutic waters. Enjoy a traditional Japanese breakfast at one of the local restaurants in Shuzenji. Midday: 4. Head to Kawazu Town to see the early blooming cherry blossoms if you’re visiting during spring. The Kawazu Sakura Festival is a must-see if the timing aligns. Have lunch at a local restaurant in Kawazu. Try some fresh seafood or regional specialties like Izu beef. Afternoon: 6. Visit the stunning Jogasaki Coast, known for its rugged cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and panoramic views.


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